What I am doing now

This is a Now page. The page describes what I am currently working on. Below you will find a list with habits that I am crafting and testing.

July 2024

  • Write Chapter 7 of The four hour Workday

June 2024

  • Write Chapter 6 of The four hour Workday

May 2024

  • Write Chapter 5 of The four hour Workday
  • No Podcasts
    • Result: Less hyped by other stories

April 2024

  • Write Chapter 4 of the 4 hour workday

March 2024

  • Write Chapter 3 of the 4 hour workday
  • Add daily video to Get Shit Done program

February 2024

January 2024

  • Sugar free challenge

December 2023

  • Train for fast 10K run
  • Write first chapter of new book

November 2023

  • Continue intermittend fasting testing
  • Stop Spotify
  • Start Soundcloud
  • Start Google Podcast

Oktober 2023

  • Slow test intermittend fasting by skipping a meal now and than

September 2023

  • Full Triathlon in Almere
  • Correct Daily mails in Get Shit Done serie

August 2023

  • Holliday

July 2023

  • Convert mails to automation

June 2023

  • Write one e-mail a day on Get Shit Done Course

May 2023

  • Switching off Mobile and Wifi connections after every use
    • Result: Nice for focus blocks, but not practical for every day use

April 2023

  • Run marathon of Rotterdam
    • Result: 3:48 not bad πŸ™‚

February 2023

  • Give three compliments to self in the miror every day πŸ™‚

January 2023

  • Lear three Foreigh words every day
    • Result: did pretty well and used FlashcardMachine app to build a deck of cards and learn three Finnish words per day.

December 2022

  • Theme: Find humor in everything
    • Result: did not work, not SMART enough

November 2022

  • Daily handstand #dailyhandstand
    • Result: Completed but no handstand without the wall

October 2022

  • No smartwatch, let’s see what that brings #nosmartwatch
    • Result: No watch in the weekend, No watch during sleep

September 2022

August 2022

  • Daily handstand (failed miserably due to holliday)

July 2022

  • Write one pomodoro per day

June 2022

  • Write one hour per day

May 2022

  • Write Book Pomodoro’s

April 2022

  • Write Book draft

March 2022

  • Put Mobile connections or WIFI off after use on Phone
  • Draft Book outline

February 2022

January 2022

December 2021

  • No news app use on Phone #nonewsapps (deleted news apps πŸ™‚

November 2021

  • Be 5 minutes early for every (online) appointment (in stead of rushing and always be just in time) #5minearly

October 2021

  • Mastering new boulder level 5 b/c
  • Play daily speedmatch at Chess.com
  • Daily Promotion challenge at Coach.me

September 2021

Augustus 2021

Holiday break πŸ˜‰

July 2021

  • 30 day Yoga challenge #yogachallenge
  • Stoppen Strava (Checking and posting)

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

Maart 2021

February 2021

January 2021

  • Make plans on launching a Podcast serie
    • Skipped January edition due to tech issues

December 2020

  • I am giving a series of training’s on working at home
  • Challenge: every day 10 minutes of speed reading
    • Did this more or less every day, gained some speed. Became aware of daydreaming while reading..
  • Challenge: Saturday no screen day. No PC/Tablet and 15 min phone time
    • Finished two Saturdays, amazing what stillness. Skipped the last two as I had some school work to do (lame excuse)



Every day at least 20 minutes of sports. Cardio (running, swimming, biking), muscle (weightlifting, yoga), and ball training (tennis and golf).


Low carb vegan. Please to help cure the food ‘industry’ by not eating crap.


20 minutes of Zen meditation focusing on the breath.